Carriat leathers

Leather is a living material, enhanced by tanning and magnificently aged by use.

We highlight the emblematic marks of a skin’s life - wrinkles, shading and fat wrinkles.

Carriat products are distinguished by the authenticity of full-grain leathers, both smooth and resistant. We work with bovine hides used at the wet-blue stage (mineral tanning) for European origins, and at the crust stage (mineral tanning and vegetable retanning) for Pakistani origins.
Our leathers

A “taurillon” is an approximately one-year-old bovine that is neither a young calf nor a bull. As excellence is our tannery’s guiding principle, we sought suppliers known throughout the EU for their demanding and compassionate best practices. Our relationship with them is built on trust. It is important to note that taurillon skin is a by-product of the agri-food industry, since the animal is raised exclusively for food. The Carriat Tannery highlights and enhances a splendid natural material.
Our leathers

This skin takes us to the humid mountains, between forest and jungle, of Southeast Asia, where the water buffalo graze. The story dates back to 1976, when Jacques Carriat traveled to Pakistan on a technical consultancy mission. He was immediately struck by the buffalo skin’s distinctive grain and robustness. These characteristics led him to introduce this leather to the French furniture market, and then to offer it in various fields (accessories, leather goods, bookbinding). A success story that still continues 50 years later, in association with the same local partners who were chosen at the time for their commitment to producing exceptional leathers, a value we share.
Full-grain leathers
Range of leathers/stock
At Carriat we have devoted a space in which we display the full range of all leathers we produce. This showroom, available by appointment only, allows our clients to have direct contact with the finished hides. Direct access to finished skins enables our customers to quickly create a prototype. We also have the possibility to sell individual hides from this location as well as to send out samples with minimal delay.